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Telecommunications operators want to oblige to use not yet existing Russian equipment for 5G

The National Informatization Center, a subsidiary of Rostec, wrote a roadmap on wireless technologies in Russia. According to the document, during the construction of 5G networks, Russian operators should switch to Russian-made public servers. The problem is that equipment that would meet the requirements of the center does not exist in the country. The document has already been approved by the Bureau of the Government Commission on Digital Development. The deadline is 2023-2024. The roadmap will come into force after all the changes are considered by the Presidium of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects. The document states that in 2021, 5G networks were deployed in five million-plus cities, and in 2024 in ten. At the same time, Russian operators will have to switch to public servers of Russian design based on a trusted electronic component base. As the MTS representative told reporters, the “road map” refers to new generation servers, and there are no ready-made certified solutions either in Russia or abroad.

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